Virtually everyone on the web has read blog posts. A lot of the blogs you’ve seen are likely operating on WordPress, which some say it the best blogging platform there is. Should you be interested in publishing your own blog, read on to find out more about what WordPress can do for you as well.
If your blog post includes a long title, adjust your permalink. For instance, if you have a long phrase in a URL, that can seem very long. Rather, try to shorten permalinks while retaining the same meaning.
Spend some time getting to know all of WordPress’s tools and options. For instance, the button “kitchen sink” gives you a plethora of choices for formatting and importing content into your posts. Also check out “screen options” for admin functions. Many formatting elements are managed in this fashion.
WordPress makes video blogging easy. It might require a little extra effort, but it’s definitely worth it. The majority of people that use the internet are extremely visual. A video can add interest to the site, and it is a great tool.
Make a schedule for your posts. You will feel motivated to post regularly if you have a good schedule. In fact, you have the option to write all of your posts in advance and schedule them to be published at regular intervals.
Simplify your URL by eliminating special characters. When search engines attempt to spider your website, these will give them problems, so get rid of them. You should make your URLs shorter and only use keywords.
You may invest lots of time editing your WordPress site only to get the idea that none of it was saved. This is likely not the case. Clear your cache to see if it will fix the problem. Press and keep holding the Shift key as you refresh your browser, and you should then see your changes.
Do your posts attract a lot of comments? If this is the case, it can be hard to sort through them all. Use a plugin that adds pages to your blog comments. This navigational tool will save time and make your site look organized.
Allow users to email your articles if they want to. This will also allow them to share these articles with others. You can use a plugin called WP-Email to help you do this.
Avoid common words and phrases for your user name. This can make you more susceptible to bots. This poses a real threat to security. If you have usernames that are administrator or admin, delete them. Choose another username.
Make sure your plugins are updated. These are a great tool that will make your website more powerful. However, they are updated just as other types of software are. If you don’t wish to keep up with the update installation, you may miss important upgrades, or they may stop working.
You stand to gain a lot from WordPress, no matter what sort of blogging you are wanting to do. The more you learn about the program and what to do when you use it, the more you’ll get from it. Each time you log on to your blog, remember what you have learned here.
About the Author:
Blake Webster is a web and multimedia developer, digital product developer, web publisher, search engine optimization consultant, internet marketer, photographer and published author.