WordPress is a wonderful tool to improve your blog. Its ease of use and rich library of features allow people to build practically any type of blog or website that they choose. Want to learn how to use such a useful tool? Keep reading.
Become familiar with the tools available to use with WordPress. For example, if there’s a Kitchen Sink button you click, you’ll be able to get a bunch of other choices that allow you to format and import what you want so posts can be unique. You also may notice that there’s a Screen Options tab where your admin pages are. Use this section to change many of your formatting elements.
It is easy to do video blogging with WordPress. This will require you to spend more time prepping, but this is worth it. Many users want to see videos. Videos offer perspectives that written content cannot, so they are quite helpful.
Teach yourself everything you can prior to using WordPress. Planning beforehand is going to put you in a much better position. Find out all you can about creating great content, powerful SEO strategies and the best way to work with WordPress to give yourself an advantage when you actual begin your work.
Optimizing the images that you upload to WordPress can give your site rank a boost. Always remember to add alternative text and title tags. The title you add will be what appears on Pinterest if someone “pins” your image.
Make your greeting engaging on the top of your WordPress home page. This will make visitors feel like your blog is more personal. A possible plugin to use is WP Greet Box; using this will make the things feel less robotic.
Ensure that users have the ability to email your posts to themselves. This is important to promote exposure, since many readers cannot use social media sites at work. WP-email plugins are a great way to accomplish this.
Do not make something such as “admin” your own username. You are risking bot attack if your username is something generic like administrator or admin. This raises the risk in security. Go to your account page and delete usernames that are generic. Choose another username.
Never share your WordPress password. In addition, just use plugins from reputable sites and always read reviews. You can lose everything on your page if it gets hacked or is affected by malware.
Keep your media library organized. Uploading images straight into the library is certainly appealing, but it does not take long for chaos to set in. Place images into proper folders. In time, when you wish to go back and find something, it will be easy to do.
Limit the number of WordPress plugins you use to a minimum. Sure plugins are fun and cool, but every one you add increases the load time of your website. This has a negative affect on your traffic and your search engine rankings. Slow websites tend not to rank as well as ones that have been optimized for performance.
It can be easy and enjoyable to learn WordPress. You’ll be able to easily make a great-looking website. If you like, it is possible to develop advanced tricks to really make a standout site. Keep up with advancements with WordPress and other developments to keep your site current and attractive.
About the Author:
Blake Webster is a web and multimedia developer, digital product developer, web publisher, search engine optimization consultant, internet marketer, photographer and published author.