It’s really exciting to make a blog to get your opinions out there. WordPress is a great option for all types of bloggers. Continue into this article for some useful ideas on maximizing WordPress.
Avoid designs that are commonplace. This may be tempting since it’s a time saver, but users will not be too impressed with your effort. Create something that shows your unique flair.
If there’s a post with a title that’s long, make sure you clean your permalink up. Avoid cumbersome URLs like “The Ten Ways Intelligent Parents Manage Their Children.” Instead, you could use something like: “Smart Parents Control Kids” if it works with your SEO strategy.
The title and Alt keys should be used. This lets you add text to your posts. This will let you add more SEO phrases and will let users that block images know what they are missing.
There may be times when you devote hours to your WordPress blog only to believe that you neglected to save your changes. This is likely not the case. Try solving this problem by clearing the browser cache. Hold down the Shift key as you click Refresh to see the changes to your site.
Posts are filed chronologically by default. You can arrange your list by simply changing the date. Upon opening one of the posts, you can view the date in the right-hand top corner. Click the date, edit it, and save it to reorder its position.
Are you someone lucky to have a large number of commenting people on your posts? If they do, it can be quite a chore for you and your readers to comb through all of them. A plugin can separate your comments into pages. That is going to help your site seem organized, and it will be much easier to navigate.
Make the greeting shown on the top of your WordPress page inviting. This helps your visitors feel more welcome and interested, and the messages can be personalized depending on how the visitor got there. It will also make things look more human and less robotic.
Be certain users have the ability to email posts to themselves if they like. This is essential so that they can easily share your content with others. You can make this easy with a WP-Email plugin.
Make sure that your plugins remain up to date. You can provide your site with unique power using WordPress plugins. But as is the case with most software, they are subject to updates. If you skip over these updates, you’ll miss important updates. Worse, you could be operating with certain bugs in your current edition.
Write blog posts in advance and then schedule them to be posted later. This will save you a lot of time in the long run. You can easily do this using the Publish command located on your Edit screen. Beneath this, you should see the words, “Publish Immediately.” If you decide to schedule the publishing of your posts, you need to use military time. Press OK. When you spot your “schedule for” screen, select it and then hit “schedule” if things look right.
Blogging has taken off like wildfire across every spectrum of society, and for good reason. It is possible to convey concepts, ideas and thoughts to a broad and diverse audience, which is something that was previously impossible to do. The information above will help you learn how to use WordPress.
About the Author:
Blake Webster is a web and multimedia developer, digital product developer, web publisher, search engine optimization consultant, internet marketer, photographer and published author.